Pubblicazioni PT
Onofri S., N. Balucani, V. Barone, P. Benedetti, D. Billi, A. Balbi, J.R. Brucato, B. Cobucci-Ponzano, G. Costanzo, N. La Rocca, M. Moracci, R. Saladino, G. Vladilo and the OPPS Project Team (2020). The Italian National project of Astrobiology – Life in space – Origin, Presence, Persistence of life in Space, from molecules to extremophiles. Astrobiology. 20(5): 580–582.
Pacelli, C., Cassaro, A., Maturilli, A., Timperio, A. M., Gevi, F., Cavalazzi, B., M. Stefan, D. Ghica, Onofri, S. (2020 a). Multidisciplinary characterization of melanin pigments from the black fungus Cryomyces antarcticus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-11.
Pacelli, C., Cassaro, A., Aureli, L., Moeller, R., Fujimori, A., Onofri, S. (2020 b). The Responses of the Black Fungus Cryomyces Antarcticus to High Doses of Accelerated Helium Ions Radiation within Martian Regolith Simulants and Their Relevance for Mars. Life, 10(8), 130.
Aureli, L., Pacelli, C., Cassaro, A., Fujimori, A., Moeller, R., Onofri, S. (2020). Iron ion particle radiation resistance of in Martian regolith analogues embedded Cryomyces antarcticus colonies. Life, 10(12), 306.
Pacelli C., Cassaro A., Siong L.M., Aureli L., Moeller R., Fujimori A., Shuryak I., Onofri, S. (2021). Insights into the Survival Capabilities of Cryomyces antarcticus Hydrated Colonies after Exposure to Fe Particle Radiation. Journal of Fungi, 7(7), 495.
Cassaro A., Pacelli C., Onofri, S. (2022). Survival, metabolic activity, and ultrastructural damages of Antarctic black fungus in perchlorates media. Frontiers in microbiology 13:992077. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.992077
Onofri, S., Cassaro, A. (2021). Extremophilic eukaryotes for searching life beyond the Earth. Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, 42.
Cassaro, C. Pacelli, L. Aureli, P. Leo, I. Catanzaro, JP.P. de Vera, S. Onofri (2021). A multi-step astrobiological approach for supporting life-detection. Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, 103.
Presentazioni orali a congressi
Cassaro A., Pacelli C., Aureli L., Leo P. and Onofri S. Planetary simulation facilities and exposure platforms aboard the ISS: a way for life detection. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. (27-29 october 2020). Roma, Italy
Pacelli C., Onofri S., Cassaro A., The astonishing stress adaptation of an Antarctic black fungus and implications for astrobiology. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. (16-24 July 2022). Athens, Greece.
Cassaro A., Pacelli C., Onofri S., The combined effects of perchlorates, Martian regolith simulants and γ-rays on the survivability of the black fungus Cryomyces antarcticus: implication for habitability on Mars. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. (16-24 July 2022). Athens, Greece.
Aureli L., Ahrén D., Selbmann L., Coleine C., Cemmi A., Di Sarcina I., Guella G., Trenti F., Onofri S., Characterization of metabolic and genomic traits for radioresistance in black fungi. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. (16-24 July 2022). Athens, Greece.