Presentazioni orali a congressi
Presentazioni Orali a Congressi
Balucani N. An experimental and theoretical investigation of the N(2D) + C6H6 (benzene) reaction with implications for the photochemical models of Titan. Astrochemistry at high resolution Faraday Discussion, Baltimore, Maryland (USA). (31 May - 2 June 2023).
Barone V. Chimica tra Tradizione e Innovazione, Convegno della Societa’ Chimica Italiana, sezione Campana, Napoli, Italy. (17 febbraio 2023).
Barone V. Alla ricerca dei mattoni della vita con l'aiuto di teoria, esperimenti e realtà virtuale, Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna. Italy. (9 maggio 2023).
Battistuzzi M., Claudi R., Cocola L., Poletto L., La Rocca N. Responses of eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms from different systematic groups to a simulated M-dwarf star light. XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie – Perugia, Italy. (6-10 February 2023).
Battistuzzi M., Cocola L., Claudi R., Pozzer A.C., Segalla A., Simionato D., Morosinotto T., Poletto L., La Rocca N. Light acclimation responses of cyanobacteria exposed to a simulated M-dwarf light spectrum: implications for exoplanet's habitability. AbGradEPEC2023 – La Palma, Spain. (3-6 May 2023).
Catanzaro I., et al. Metabolic response of Antarctic melanized microorganism to space-relevant radiation. AbGradEPEC 2023. La Palma, Spain. (4-6 May 2023).
Catanzaro I., et al. Generation of Cryomyces antarcticus mutants to explore the importance of DHN melanin for survival. IUBMB Focused Meeting on Extremophilic Fungi. Ljubljana, Slovenia. (19-22 September 2023).
Giustini A., Gabriella Di Genova, Nadia Balucani, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Marzio Rosi Theoretical investigation on formation routes leading to sulphur-bearing species in space via the reactions of electronically excited atoms. XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie - Perugia, Italy. (6-10 February 2023).
Liistro E., Battistuzzi M., Cocola L., Claudi R., Poletto L., La Rocca N. Responses of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7335 to FR light enriched spectra and anoxic atmospheres: implications for exoplanet habitability and astrobiotechnological applications. AbGradEPEC2023 – La Palma, Spain. (3-6 May 2023).
Pantaleone S., M. Corno, A. Rimola, N. Balucani, P. Ugliengo Water reactivity on Schreibersite: from phosphites to phosphates XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie - Perugia, Italy. (6-10 February 2023).
Silva L., et al. Evolution of climate and atmospheric properties of a habitable rocky planet: Earth. XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie - Perugia, Italy. (6-10 February 2023).
Vanuzzo G., A. Caracciolo, M. Rosi, D. Skouteris, P. Casavecchia, N. Balucani, A laboratory investigation of the reactions N(2D) + benzene and N(2D) + toluene and implications for the atmospheric chemistry of Titan XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie - Perugia, Italy. (6-10 February 2023).
Aureli L., Ahrén D., Selbmann L., Coleine C., Cemmi A., Di Sarcina I., Guella G., Trenti F., Onofri S. Characterization of metabolic and genomic traits for radioresistance in black fungi. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Athens, Greece. (16 – 24 July 2022).
Balucani N. Laboratory investigation of the atmospheric chemistry of Titan waiting for the NASA Dragonfly mission. XVII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Napoli, Italy. (20 – 24 June 2022).
Balucani N. Unsaturated dinitriles formation routes in interstellar clouds. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Athens, Greece. (16 – 24 July 2022).
Balucani N. Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of reactions involving atomic/diatomic radicals and leading to Ncontaining organic molecules in extraterrestrial environments. 36th International Symposium on Free Radicals. Stockholm, Sweden. (3 – 8 July 2022).
Balucani N. An experimental investigation of the reactions of atomic oxygen and nitrogen with benzene, toluene and pyridine as case studies to address the survival of PAHs and PANHs in space. The life cycle of cosmic PAHs. Aarhus University, Denmark. (5 – 9 September 2022).
Balucani N. Gas-phase chemistry in star-forming regions: there is still a lot to understand. From clouds to planet II: the astrochemical link, Harnack Haus, Berlin (3 – 7 Oct, 2022).
Balucani N. Prebiotic chemistry in the stratosphere of Titan induced by cosmic rays. Cosmic Rays 2, Arcetri, Florence, Italy. (8th-10th November 2022).
Barone V. A four-pillar approach to computational chemistry: astrochemistry as a proof of concept, DCTC Workshop, Florence, Italy. (8 April 2022).
Barone V. The challenging spectroscopy of molecular bricks of life in the gas-phase, XLVIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica-Fisica, Genova, Italy. (4-7 July 2022).
Barone V. A Four-Pillar Approach for Reconciling Accuracy and Interpretability, INFN IS BioPhys 2022, Florence, Italy. (14-16 September 2022).
Battistuzzi M., La Rocca N., Cocola L., Claudi R., Poletto L. Acclimation responses of cyanobacteria to simulated m-dwarf light spectra and implications for the remote detection of oxygenic life beyond the solar system. XVII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Napoli, Italy. (20 – 24 june 2022).
Biasiotti, L., et al. EOS-ESTM: a flexible climate model for habitable exoplanets. Chianti Topics. 5th International Focus Workshop. Bagno a Ripoli, Italy. (20 – 22 April 2022).
Biasiotti L., et al. EOS-ESTM: a flexible climate model for habitable exoplanets. Europlanet Science Congress 2022. Granada, Spain. (18 – 23 September 2022).
Bizzocchi L. Modelling the rovibrational energy manifold of cyanoacetylene (HC3N): a key molecule for astrochemistry. Winter Modeling on Valentine Day, Naples, Italy. (February 14-15 2022).
Canini F., Zucconi L. Microbial communities in Antarctic dry permafrost as a proxy for mars regolith explorations. COSPAR 2022, 44th Scientific Assembly, Athens, Greece, (16-24 July 2022).
Cassaro A., Pacelli C., Onofri S. The combined effects of perchlorates, Martian regolith simulants and γ-rays on the survivability of the black fungus Cryomyces antarcticus: implication for habitability on Mars. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Athens, Greece. (16 – 24 July 2022).
Corazzi M. A., Lino V., Manini P., Fedele D., Brucato J.R. Photo-processing of Acetaldehyde, Acetonitrile, and Water Ice Mixtures on Olivine Grains: TPD and Mass Spectra Analyses. XVII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Napoli, Italy. (20 – 24 june 2022).
Costanzo G. Formamide chemistry, cyclic ribonucleotides polymerization and primitive RNA-catalysis: a unique chemical frame for the origin of life. 6th NoRCEL CONFERENCE: Chemical Informational Universe. University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK. (9 – 11 August 2022).
Gallego Fernandez B., Mosca C., Fagliarone C., Billi D. Responses of a desert cyanobacterium to prolonged exposure to perchlorate: implications for the habitability of Mars and In-Situ Resource Utilisation. Europlanet Science Congress 2022. Granada, Spain. (18 – 23 September 2022).
Ivanovski S., et al. Study of habitability of Archean Earth with ESTM. Latsis Symposium 2022: The Origin and Prevalence of Life. Zürich, Switzerland. (30 August – 2 September 2022).
La Rocca N., Battistuzzi M., Claudi R., Cocola L., Poletto L. Responses of eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms to simulated M-dwarf star light. Europlanet Science Congress 2022. Granada, Spain. (18 – 23 September 2022).
Mancini L., Valenca Ferreira de Aragao E., Vanuzzo G. A Theoretical Investigation of the Reactions of N(2D) and CN with Acrylonitrile and Implications for the Prebiotic Chemistry of Titan. The International Conference on Computer Science and its Application, Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry and its Applications. Malaga, Spain. (4 – 7 July 2022).
Pacelli C., Onofri S., Cassaro A. The astonishing stress adaptation of an Antarctic black fungus and implications for astrobiology. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Athens, Greece. (16 – 24 July 2022).
Pantaleone S., Marta Corno, Nadia Balucani, Albert Rimola, Piero Ugliengo Ab-initio modelling of Schreibersite (Fe2NiP)-H2O interaction: a reservoir of prebiotic living phosphorus. XLVIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica, La Chimica Fisica e le Sfide della Transizione Ecologica. Genova, Italy. (4 – 7 July 2022).
Pantaleone S., Marta Corno, Nadia Balucani, Albert Rimola, Piero Ugliengo Ab-initio modelling of Schreibersite (Fe2NiP)-H2O interaction: a reservoir of prebiotic living phosphorus. Winter Modeling 2nd SPECIAL EDITION. Napoli, Italy. (14 – 15 February 2022).
Puzzarini C. Prebiotic molecules in interstellar space: the role of rotational spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations, 75th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (USA). (20-24 June 2022).
Puzzarini C., Rotational spectroscopy and chemical reactivity in Astrochemistry: experiment and theory, Conference on Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures, Visegrád, Hungary. (3-8 July 2022).
Puzzarini C. Astrochemical challenges: the role of quantum chemistry, Ischia Summer Modeling Challenges of molecular sciences towards 2030, Ischia (Na), Italy. (5-7 September 2022).
Silva L. Planetary atmospheres. Online contribution at EAI splinter meeting on Habitable Worlds at EPSC. Europlanet Science Congress 2022. Granada, Spain. (18 – 23 September 2022).
Silva L., et al. Exploring habitability evolution in rocky planets with climate and atmospheric models. Latsis Symposium 2022: The Origin and Prevalence of Life. Zürich, Switzerland. (30 August – 2 September 2022).
Silva L., Biasiotti, L., Bisesi, E., Ivanovski S., Maris M., Monai S., Murante G., Simonetti P., G. Vladilo, Taffoni G., Provenzale A., von Hardenberg J. Exploring exoplanetary habitability with climate and atmospheric models. XVII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Napoli, Italy. (20 – 24 june 2022).
Silva L., Biasiotti, L., Bisesi, E., Ivanovski S., Maris M., Monai S., Murante G., Simonetti P., Taffoni G., Vladilo G., Provenzale A., von Hardenberg J. Exploring exoplanetary habitability with climate and atmospheric models. HACK100: Past, Present and Future of Astrophysical Spectroscopy. Trieste, Italy. (6 – 10 June 2022).
Simonetti, P., et al. EOS: a new dawn on radiative transfer for habitable worlds. Chianti Topics. 5th International Focus Workshop. Bagno a Ripoli, Italy. (20 – 22 April 2022).
Vanuzzo G., Caracciolo A., Minton T. K., Pacifici L., Skouteris D., Rosi M., Casavecchia P., and Balucani N. A laboratory investigation of the reaction N(2D) + benzene and implications for the atmospheric chemistry of Titan. Chianti Topics. 5th International Focus Workshop. Bagno a Ripoli, Italy. (20 – 22 April 2022).
Vladilo G. Impact of radioactive potassium on the emergent molecular structures of terrestrial life. Latsis Symposium 2022: The Origin and Prevalence of Life. Zürich, Switzerland. (30 August – 2 September 2022).
Balucani N. Deuterium enrichment of interstellar complex organic molecules in gas-phase chemistry. 43rd COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) Scientific Assembly. Virtual. Sydney, Australia. (28 January – 4 February 2021).
Balucani N. The chemistry of prebiotic N-containing compounds in the atmosphere of Titan and primitive Earth beyond a holistic approach Europlanet Science Congress 2021, Virtual meeting (13 – 24 September 2021).
Balucani N. Gas phase chemistry leading to interstellar complex organic molecules: there is still much to learn. ECLA2020 - European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics. Anacapri, Italy. (26 September – 1 October 2021).
Balucani N. Gas-phase chemistry in the interstellar medium: there is still much to learn. The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2021. Virtual. Honolulu, USA. (16 – 21 December 2021).
Brucato J. R., M. A. Corazzi, G. Poggiali, T. Fornaro, S. Pirrotta, J. I. Mortimer, P. Reiss, and D. J. Heather. Water sublimation from lunar sample analogues to support the PROSPECT Space Mission. NASA Exploration Science Forum, NESF-ELS 2021. Virtual. (20 – 23 July 2021).
Corazzi M.A., Brucato J.R., Fedele D., Codella C., Podio L., Poggiali. The role of olivine grains on thermal desorption of astrophysical relevant ice mixtures of acetaldehyde and acetonitrile. 15th Europlanet Science Congress. Virtual. (13 – 24 September 2021).
Corazzi M.A., Brucato J.R., Fedele D., Codella C., Podio L., Poggiali. Thermal Desorption of Astrophysical Relevant Ice Mixtures of Acetaldehyde and Acetonitrile from Olivine Dust. ACO DOC Conference 2021. Torino, Italy. (13 – 17 September 2021)
De Lise F., Iacono R., Strazzulli A., Maurelli L., Moracci M., Cobucci-Ponzano B. From the discovery of hyperstable CAZymes to translational recoding: the archaeal a-L-fucosidase from Saccharolobus solfataricus. 2nd IBBR Memorial Workshop. Napoli, Italy. (25-26 October 2021).
Ivanovski S.L., Gerosa F.A., Turrini D., Capria M.T., Alcala J.M., Della Corte V., Covino E., Fulle M., Vladilo G., Silva L., Perna D. Modelling dust dynamics in protoplanetary disks. 15th Europlanet Science Congress. Virtual. (13 – 24 September 2021).
La Rocca N. Assessing cyanobacteria photosynthetic responses under red dwarfs simulated spectra. First international meeting “Photosynthetic microorganisms for sustainable development”. Virtual. Rome, Italy. (16 – 17 December 2021).
Mancini L., E. Valenca Ferreira de Aragao A computational analysis of the reaction of atomic oxygen O(3P) with acrylonitrile. The International Conference on Computer Science and its Application, Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry and its Applications, Cagliari, Italy (Sept 13 - 16, 2021).
Marchione, L. Mancini, P. Liang, G. Vanuzzo, P. Casavecchia, D. Skouteris, M. Rosi, N. Balucani Reactivity of N(2D) atoms and of the cyano radical (CN) with vinyl cyanide (H2CCHCN) in Titan’s atmosphere: a combined crossed beam and theoretical study Europlanet Science Congress 2021, Virtual meeting (13 – 24 September 2021).
Mortimer J. I., S. J. Barber, F. A. J. Abernethy, L. Grill, C. Gscheidle, J. R. Brucato, M. A. Corazzi, L. Chipperfield, P. Reiss, R. Fisackerly, and D. J. Heather. Experimental methods to inform modeling of volatile preservation during lunar subsurface icy sample collection: in support of ESA's "PROSPECT" package. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, LPSC 2021. (15 – 19 March 2021).
Pantaleone S., Marta Corno, Nadia Balucani, Albert Rimola, Piero Ugliengo Ab-initio modelling of Schreibersite (Fe2NiP)-H2O interaction: a phosphate factory for Early Earth. Geology without borders - 90◦ Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana. Virtual. (14 – 16 September 2021).
Simonetti P., Vladilo G., Malik M., Silva L., Ivanovski S., Maris M., Murante G., Biasiotti L., Bisesi E., Monai S. Terrestrial-type planetary atmospheres with HELIOS. 15th Europlanet Science Congress. Virtual. (13 – 24 September 2021).
Vanuzzo G., Caracciolo A., Minton T.K., Skouteris D., Pacifici L., Rosi M., Casavecchia P., Balucani N. Crossed beams and theoretical studies of the Titan relevant N(2D) + benzene reaction: primary products and branching fractions. AGU Fall Meeting 2021. Virtual. New Orleans, USA. (13 – 17 December 2021).
Balucani N., Recio P., Marchione D., Caracciolo A., and Casavecchia P. The stability of pyridine upon chemical attack under the conditions of primitive Earth. Europlanet Science Congress 2020. Virtual. (21 September – 9 October 2020).
Bizzarri B. M. Solar wind polymerization/oxygenation of hydroxynaphthalenes on Meteorites as a novel probe for the Origin of Insoluble Organic Matter. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
Botta L. Prebiotic trans-glycosilation: a plausible mechanism for nucleoside synthesis? 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
Corazzi M. A., Fedele D., Poggiali G., Brucato J. R. Thermal desorption process of formamide ice. XVI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Padova, Italy. (3 – 7 February 2020).
Corazzi M. A., Brucato J. R., Poggiali G., Fedele D., Fornaro T. Laboratory studies on Temperature-Programmed Desorption analyzes of prebiotic molecules in space. Europlanet Science Congress 2020. Virtual. (21 September – 9 October 2020).
Corazzi M. A., Brucato J. R., Poggiali G., Fedele D., Fornaro T. Temperature-Programmed Desorption of prebiotic molecules from dust in simulated space conditions. Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, 52nd Annual Meeting, DPS 2020. Virtual. (26 – 30 October 2020).
Cassaro A., Pacelli C., Aureli L., Leo P and Onofri S. Planetary simulation facilities and exposure platforms aboard the ISS: a way for life detection. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
Costanzo G., Cirigliano A. and Di Mauro E. Sustainability and Chaos in the Abiotic Polymerization of 3’,5’ Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate: The Role of Aggregation. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
De Lise F., Iacono R., Strazzulli A., Giglio R., Curci N., Maurelli L., Avino R., Carandente A., Caliro S., Tortora A., Lorenzini F., Di Donato P., Moracci M., Cobucci-Ponzano B. Genome flexibility and limits of life: the recoded alpha-L-fucosidase from the archaeaon Saccharolobus solfataricus. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
Ferlin F.; Vaccaro L.; Balucani N. Experimental Solubility Determination of Organic Compounds in Simulated Titan's Methane Lakes. XVI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Padova, Italy. (3 – 7 February 2020).
La Rocca N. Claudi R., Battistuzzi M., Cocola L., Pozzer A. C., Simionato D., Segalla A., Trainotti L., Benedetti P., Morosinotto T., Salasnic B., Poletto L. Studying photosynthesis under Far-Red light and simulated M-dwarf star light: new experimental tools and suitable eukaryotic organisms with different positions in the tree of life. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
Mancini L., Emilia Valença Ferreira de Aragão, Marzio Rosi, Dimitrios Skouteris, and Nadia Balucani A theoretical investigation of the reactions of N(2D) with small alkynes and implications for the prebiotic chemistry of Titan. Computational Astrochemistry virtual @ICCSA 2020 (1-4 July 2020).
Marchione D., Mancini L., Balucani N., Skouteris D., Ferlin F., Vaccaro L., Vanuzzo G., Casavecchia P., Rosi M. Formation of nitriles and other N-containing organic molecules in the upper atmosphere of Titan. XVI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Padova, Italy. (3 – 7 February 2020).
Marchione D., Vanuzzo G., Liang P., Casavecchia P., Mancini L., de Aragao E., Fagina Lago N., Rosi M., Ferlin F., Balucani N. Reactivity of the Cyano Radical (CN) with Cyanoacetylene (HC3N) and with Vinyl Cyanide (H2CCHCN) in Titan’s Atmosphere: a Combined Crossed Beam and Theoretical Study. AGU Fall meeting. Virtual. (1 – 17 December 2020).
Pannacci G., Mancini L., Rosi M, Balucani N, Skouteris D., Valença Ferreira de Aragão E., Vanuzzo G., Marchione D, Recio P., Liang P., Tan Y., and Casavecchia P. The reactions of atomic nitrogen in its first electronically excited state with the C3H4 isomers and implications for the atmospheric chemistry of Titan. Europlanet Science Congress 2020. Virtual. (21 September – 9 October 2020).
Pantaleone S., J. Navarro-Ruiz, P. Mignon, M. Sodupe, P. Ugliengo, N. Balucani Formamide dehydration and condensation on acidic montmorillonite: mechanistic insights from ab-initio periodic simulations Computational Astrochemistry virtual @ICCSA 2020 (1-4 July 2020).
Provenzale A., Murante G., Vladilo G., Silva L., Bisesi E., Palazzi E., von Hardenberg J. Climate bistability of rocky exoplanets. 22nd EGU General Assembly. Virtual. (4 – 8 May 2020).
Puzzarini C., Barone V. Theory Meets Experiment for Elucidating Chemical Evolution in Space. 1st Italian Space Agency workshop on Astrobiology. Roma, Italy. (27 – 29 October 2020).
Rosi M., Leonardo Pacifici, Dimitrios Skouteris, Adriana Caracciolo, Piergiorgio Casavecchia, Stefano Falcinelli A computational study on the insertion of N(2D) into a C—H or C—C bond: the reactions of N(2D) with benzene and toluene and their implications on the chemistry of Titan Computational Astrochemistry virtual @ICCSA 2020 (1-4 July 2020).
Skouteris D., Balucani N., Caracciolo A., Casavecchia P., and Rosi M. The N(2D) reaction with small aromatic compounds and implications in the aromatic chemistry of the upper atmosphere of Titan. Europlanet Science Congress 2020. Virtual. (21 September – 9 October 2020).
Squicciarini V., Claudi R., La Rocca N., Alei E. Searching for the oxygen footprint of light-harvesting organisms. XVI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie. Padova, Italy. (3 – 7 February 2020).
Valença Ferreira de Aragão E., Noelia Faginas-Lago, Marzio Rosi, Luca Mancini, Nadia Balucani, Dimitrios Skouteris A Computational Study of the Reaction Cyanoacetylene and Cyano Radical leading to 2-Butynedinitrile and Hydrogen Radical Computational Astrochemistry virtual @ICCSA 2020 (1-4 July 2020).
Battistuzzi M., Cocola L., Claudi R., Alei E., Poletto L., Morosinotto T., La Rocca N. Calibration and validation of an experimental setup to study by remote sensing measurements cyanobacteria under exo-Earth simulated environments. First General Assembly of European Astrobiology Institute (EAI). Liblice, Czech Republic. (28-30 May 2019).
Bisesi, E. Studio dello spazio dei parametri di un sistema di equazioni differenziali accoppiate alle derivate parziali, che rappresentano un semplice modello di crescita della vegetazione e un modello climatico. Report interno CNR/IGG. Pisa, Italy.